Week 7
Weight: 20st 11lb.
Loss this week: 4 1/2lb.
Total lost: 28 1/2lb
After weigh in last night I was on a high for hours! 4 1/2lbs off making 2 stone in only 7 weeks! And I was Slimmer of the Week for the third week which made me happy mainly because the SOTW gets a huge bag of fruit and other good stuff brought in by the members and this week I had spotted a couple of things I wanted to try among the goodies. So I will get to try them this week, at no expense to myself - perfect!
28lbs lighter means I am feeling a difference in my clothes. Stuff that I couldn't get on 2 months ago now fits. I love that! So I have a had a huge trying on session, and sorted my clothes into 3 piles:
Can wear now (but either about to be too big or will look better in a couple of weeks!)
Will fit in the future
Why did I buy this??
The third pile will be off to the charity shop tomorrow. Just because something will fit me, doesn't mean I should wear it ;-)
I have to publicly thank my friend Saraseahorse for helping my clothes pile grow - due to her own very successful weight loss she has lots of too big clothes, some of which she has already sent to me, and some more will be here soon. So I'm not going to be struggling for something to wear for several sizes to come :-) Sara has also helped me out by ordering a swim dress for me from an online company. This means I will be able to tackle one of my exercise goals - swimming. A little coverage in the arse and thigh area will go a long way to helping me get from changing room to swimming pool! (I have a slightly awkward credit history which means I can't order for myself!)
I wish I could tell you that you find me in good health as well as high spirits. But I'm suffering from this horrible throat thing that's going round. And my ears, my poor ears! My neck hurts too but that is definitely swollen glands rather than any more sinister cause of neck pain and stiffness. My dd had this about 3 weeks ago and it evolved into a nasty case of tonsillitis. I don't thin I've ever seen her cry as much as she cried that week, and I'm understanding why now. Luckily she responded very quickly to antibiotics, once I'd stopped being a bad mother and actually taken the poor child to the GP that is. I think being a nurse makes me a bit - casual maybe? about illness. Where another mother might have made the call to the doc on the Monday, I took a wait and see approach until the Friday!
This week I'm wondering how much nits weigh...... ;-)
I’ve learned the art of bookbinding!
4 weeks ago
Hi Wendy, followed you here from your comment on Shauna's blog. Congratulations on your great losses. Like you I know there's two stages to this journey we're on - getting it off then keeping it off. Good luck with your journey Zxx
Thans for reading Zanna!
I'm going to go and look at your blog later when I've done my chores!
you keep going girl - there are more goodies coming in a big sack as soon as those cossies arrive!
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